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Paranormal is a term which was coined in between 1915 and 1920. It means the experiences that are external to the range of scientific explanation or normal experience. Paranormal experience is different from entities which are hypothetical. They are dark energy or dark matter.

There are countless stories which are related to paranormal phenomena. Paranormal phenomena are found in folklore, popular culture and the recollections of personal subjects. Paranormal has been prevalent in English language since 1920. It constitutes of two parts Para and Normal. In one of the definitions it is described as anything that is beyond contrary to the scientific probability.

Para originates from Greek and Latin. In latin Para means outside, above or beyond. Some paranormal beliefs pertain to cryptids, UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and ghosts. Ghost is phenomenon of the soul or spirit of a person. Quite often the term ‘ghost’ is used with any demon or spirit. Most popularly it is referred to as a spirit of a person.

Ghosts are believed to be composed of airy, misty or subtle material. Ghosts were known to be the person within the person. There have been innumerable theories set up by scientists which explain ghost sightings. The belief in ghosts has been extensive.

UFOs and Extra Terrestrial Life

The paranormal phenomenon revolves around the belief in UFOs and the phenomena linked with them. There were two kinds of beliefs concerning the history of UFO culture. The first view was the traditional view of the phenomena. This view believed that the logical analysis of sighting reports validate the thought of extraterrestrial occurrence. The second view comprised of persons who believed in the extraterrestrial occurrence with beliefs from quasi-religious movements.

These persons were motivators of paranormal and occultism. These persons were from backgrounds like Spiritualists, Theosophists etc. Several of these beliefs were merged into the New Age spiritual movements.


It is an animal whose actuality is not confirmed proved by science. The study of these creatures is called cryptozoology. Crytozoologists study the presence of cryptids. Cyptids have be seen and documented for centuries. Some of the well known cryptids arte Loch Ness Monster, the Jersey Devil and werewolves.

The research that is Paranormal

Progressing the paranormal from a research point of view is often hard due to the fact that the lack of agreeable physical proof from the most asserted phenomena. The paranormal phenomenon does not comply with traditional anticipations of nature. The studies on the paranormal phenomenon are systematically conducted by the researchers from different disciplines.

Many perceptions that we possess of the paranormal phenomenon are gained from reading books and viewing movies. All type of movies especially horror movies exhibit many of the supernatural bodies and experiences which color the mind of the persons who see it.

These apprehensions make us ask about the presence of such phenomenon within our day to day events. The audience has two aspects the believers and the non-believers of the paranormal phenomenon.

Such aspect is in fact the right way of understanding these events. Any person with a flexible mind will definitely validate that such aspects might be present.

If you have any interest in the paranormal, or parapsychology in general, please check out! It is a great resource for those of you who are just starting out in the parapsychology field, and has a lot of great information.